Shared or private office space dedicated to relote work as well as equipped meeting rooms and microactivity rooms to support your development without incurring significant costs or overly long commitments.
Whether you are alone or in a team, the possibilities are endless.
HubUR observes the growing trend of freelancers, craftsmen, business leaders and employees wanting to work differently. The many difficulties encountered in everyday life are prompting us all to organise ourselves in new ways to escape the constraints imposed by the major ecological and economic challenges we face. This implies ever more draconian legislation, even ruthless when you have few resources and the obligation to continue whatever the cost.
The word that comes up again and again in interviews and discussions with our professional audience at all levels of training is flexibility. The pressures exerted on the population in all areas, the list of which is endless and easy to enumerate, are making workers increasingly allergic to rigidity, and it’s time to introduce new ways of working to be adapted to jobs and responsibilities. The objective is to reconcile productivity, the well-being of the employee (or his or her own), income and respect for ecological issues.
HubUR is not the umpteenth coworking space “in hype” whose only ambition is to fill spaces, even if the dynamics of the pioneers who paved the way in this field have been beneficial. It is a concept dedicated to efficiency and productivity, which undertakes remote work with a much more philosophical and cultural approach by putting in place the technical, technological, intellectual, psychological, cognitive and methodical means to make these objectives achievable. To do this, we work with experts and work psychologists to develop these solutions in collaboration with managers and company directors who have understood the challenge of retaining their employees by improving their motivation, skills, performance and therefore their well-being. And the means available to our corporate and individual members through the gratification integrated into our offers will be an additional asset. The problem is less of a problem for the self-employed, whose success depends first and foremost on their ability to overcome the many obstacles to survive, even if support is often useful and the tools necessary, even essential for their development. The fertile environment is only one piece of the puzzle, because motivation and determination are the fundamental elements of behaviour.
It will therefore be necessary to sort out the new trends that are emerging, some of which are only the drifts of ideas that can nevertheless represent a solution once framed. HubUR aims to shake up the codes in the world of work step by step without losing sight of the objectives mentioned above, and this for all those who will use our facilities… from the university phase onwards.
Elected representatives, property developers, real estate companies, owners of service sector buildings, hotel chains and business offices are all welcome to discuss setting up HubUR in their town, their property programme, their space, their sign or their building.
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*The services and products offered differ depending on the size of the establishment